Welcome to Wolf and Muse, where marketing is more than a strategy. It’s a journey of self-expression, creativity, and using your business to serve and impact others.

Meet your guide

Hi! I’m Allyjana Marie.

Creator. Marketer. Strategist. Muse. Conscious Founder. Mama. And your guide on this journey.

My mission is to help conscious entrepreneurs like you attract your dream clients with simple, purposeful marketing strategies that feel true to you.

Together, we’ll replace the overwhelm with clarity, so that you can confidently market your business in a way that supports your vision for impact, freedom, and abundance.

My story


My story *

My own journey taught me the power of alignment in business.

After building a successful health coaching business rooted in passion and purpose, I found myself caught up in chasing tactics, quick wins, and the next high-income month or growth goal that everyone else seemed to be striving for.

It wasn’t my version of success or happiness, but I got caught in the deep rabbit hole of trying to keep up.

My transformative shift.

Eventually, I couldn’t ignore the misalignment any longer.

I stepped back, spent a year healing my body, and went into deep reconnaissance - questioning everything I thought I wanted and peeling back the layers of conditioning that led me to believe success had to come from constant pushing and wanting MORE.

I went within. Instead of seeking answers outside of myself, I reconnected with my Creator, and with my self: what success, happiness and service meant to me.

As I surrendered, something unexpected happened.

Without forcing or chasing, the universe brought marketing clients my way - women with service-based businesses who weren’t just looking for growth, but for a way to market themselves in a way that felt true to them.

Women who, like me, wanted to build a business that honoured their energy, purpose, and way of being in the world.

I was called back to my marketing roots and my passion for creating in service of women who need my help.

That’s when I realised: Marketing could be different.

It could be soulful, simple, and rooted in who we are.

Now, I guide women to market their businesses in a way that honours their energy, flows with their purpose, and allows them to show up fully as themselves: confident, aligned, and ready to make an impact.

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Wherever you are on your journey, there’s a path for you.

Whether you're just starting to align your marketing, looking for a step-by-step strategy, or ready for deep 1:1 support, you’ll find what you need to grow your business in a way that feels natural, fulfilling, and abundant.